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Tips For Choosing A Menu For Your Wedding

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When it comes to planning your wedding, one of the most frustrating aspects is often choosing the menu. You want to ensure the food appeals to all of your guests, but it needs to be something you enjoy, too. Of course, your mother-in-law has plenty of input, and you can't even convince your fiance to make a choice! Thankfully, with the tips below, you can choose a wedding menu that satisfies most and makes your day feel special.

1. Stay away from messy foods.

When everyone is all dressed up in their special attire, they won't want to be snacking on pulled pork, barbecue chicken wings, or other messy foods. Steer clear of anything with a lot of sauce or that people are expected to eat with their fingers. 

2. Offer two or three options.

Offering options is a good thing. This way, if anyone does not like one entree, they'll probably like the other. There is no need, however, to offer more than three choices. Doing so just gets overwhelming and costly. If you know for a fact that some of your attendees are vegetarian, one of your two options should be vegetarian. However, if you're not aware that anyone avoids meat, there's no reason to plan for this, specifically.

3. Don't go too heavy on the appetizers.

Yes, you will want to serve some appetizers so guests have something to munch on as they mingle and start to arrive. However, you don't want to go too heavy on the appetizers, or guests won't have any room left for dinner. A few simple cheese and fruit trays will do the trick. Passed appetizers, although they may seem like a fancy idea, aren't really necessary. Guests can serve themselves at a table; they don't need a waiter to hand them food, and some find this awkward.

4. Stick with familiar vegetables.

If there's one thing people are most picky about, it's vegetables. So while you may be tempted to choose something unique like asparagus or eggplant, you'll appeal to the crowd by choosing something more conventional like carrots or corn.

5. Have steak prepared medium.

If you are serving steak, ask your caterer whether they allow each guest to choose their own preparation, or whether they do all the steaks the same. If you have to choose a cooking temp for everyone, go with medium. Those who like their steaks more on the rare side will not be totally disappointed, but those who like a more well-done steak won't be totally turned off, either. 

Take all of these points into consideration when choosing the catering for your wedding. 
