Cooking Like You Mean It

Tips For Choosing A Menu For Your Wedding

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When it comes to planning your wedding, one of the most frustrating aspects is often choosing the menu. You want to ensure the food appeals to all of your guests, but it needs to be something you enjoy, too. Of course, your mother-in-law has plenty of input, and you can’t even convince your fiance to make a choice! Thankfully, with the tips below, you can choose a wedding menu that satisfies most and makes your day feel special.…

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4 Ways To Improve Lunchtime During The Work Week

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If you’re like most people, you have probably had this experience: you’re sitting at work, and all of a sudden, you get exhausted around midday. That’s because people need food to fuel their bodies, and after several hours without sustenance, it’s natural to feel sluggish. A great lunch can perk you up and give you something to look forward to during the work day. Here are four ideas to help you improve lunchtime during the work week:…

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Three Appetizing Ways To Serve Vegetables To High School Students

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If you’re a high school administrator who oversees the food services department, you have several goals on which you need to focus. While you’ll undoubtedly be trying to keep the budget of this service under control, you also need to be conscientious about your students’ nutrition. Vegetables are common items in a high school cafeteria, but their preparation can often result in them not getting eaten. For example, if a cafeteria only serves boiled vegetables, they may seem soggy or otherwise unappetizing, and the students won’t want them.…

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