Cooking Like You Mean It

3 Reasons To Have Coffee At Home Vs. In A Coffee Shop

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Many people like getting up and heading to a coffee shop in the morning to purchase a cup of coffee. If you do this rather than having your coffee at home, consider these reasons why having coffee at home is usually better. 1. Pick Your Favorite Coffee, Creamers and Sweeteners Even though you might like the coffee that is offered at your local coffee shop, you might find that being able to make all of your own choices at home is even better.…

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Ways To Have Your Grocery Store Staff Manage Your Refrigerator Night Covers

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If you own a grocery store, even if it’s small, you’ve made a significant investment in commercial refrigeration. You’ll definitely want to make one more investment that can pay off in a number of ways: buying night covers for your open refrigerators. These covers operate much in the same manner as blinds. They mount to the top of each refrigerator, and a staff member can pull them down to cover the opening at night.…

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3 Tips For Ordering Drinking Glasses For Your Restaurant

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As a restaurateur, you have to think about things like ordering the right drinking glasses for your establishment. A few tips that will help you with ordering drinking glasses for your restaurant are outlined here. Keeping these tips and your own experiences with using drinking glasses to serve beverages in your restaurant will help you order drinking glasses that you and your customers will be satisfied with. 1. Make Sure They’re Thick and Durable…

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